All-Party Parliamentary Group on
Coalfield Communities
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Coalfield Communities has publised the report of an inquiry identifying a contemporary agenda for the regeneration of the former coalfields in England, Scotland and Wales.
To read the report, click here.
Thank you to everyone who submitted evidence.
About the APPG on Coalfield Communities
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Coalfield Communities is a cross-party group of MPs representing constituencies in former coalfield areas of England, Scotland and Wales.
The purpose of the group is to encourage the further economic, social and cultural development of the UK's former coalfield communities, by bringing together MPs, external stakeholders and others to develop credible proposals for further coalfields regeneration.
Notice of Annual General Meeting:
The AGM of the APPG will take place on Tuesday 5th March in Westminster. The meeting will be open to all members of Parliament. Please contact the secretariat for further details.
The APPG on Coalfield Communities is chaired by Alex Davies-Jones, MP for Pontypridd.
Information about the group's officers can be found here and on the Register Of All-Party Parliamentary Groups.
The Industrial Communities Alliance acts as secretariat to the APPG. More information about the Alliance can be found here:
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